TAGGED: Gig work (20)
‘Experiences, Exclusions, Expectancies’: Discussing platform work and the Danish welfare state with workers, unions and scholars
On the inadequacy of Wolt’s Algorithmic Transparency Report and the limits of “algorithmic management” discourse
Liminal Precarity and Compromised Agency: Migrant experiences of gig work in Amsterdam, Berlin, and New York City
This chapter examines what moves migrants in the Global North to take up gig work and stick with it for various periods of time despite its by now well documented precarious conditions, by...
Review: After the Gig: How Sharing the Economy Got Hijacked and How to Win It Back by Juliet B. Schor
Niels van Doorn reviews "After the Gig: How Sharing the Economy Got Hijacked and How to Win It Back" by Juliet B. Schor.
Gig work as migrant work: The platformization of migration infrastructure
With markets concentrating predominantly in and around large cities, gig platforms across the globe seem to depend as much on the cheap labor of migrants and minorities as on investment capital and...
Actually existing platformization: Embedding platforms in urban spaces through partnerships
In this paper, upcoming in a special issue of South Atlantic Quarterly, we examine the partnership as a heterogeneous boundary resource that enables platforms to generate dependencies, become...
Stepping Stone or Dead End? The Ambiguities of Platform-Mediated Domestic Work Under Conditions of Austerity. Comparative Landscapes of Austerity and the Gig Economy: New York and Berlin
This book chapter is part of an edited collection titled _Working in the Context of Austerity: Challenges and Struggles_, edited by Donna Baines and Ian Cunningham. The chapter examines how, under...
Disrupting ‘Business as Usual’: Covid-19 and Platform Labor
This article evaluates the impacts of Covid-19 on platform-based gig work. It notes a shift in the service market towards on-demand delivery at the expense of ride hailing and domestic cleaning....
Where Data and Finance Meet: Dual Value Production in the Gig Economy
A version of this working paper will appear in the edited volume _Platform Economy Puzzles: Unravelling the Gig Work Paradox_, edited by Jeroen Meijerink, Giedo Jansen, and Victoria Daskalova.
Migration and Migrant Labour in the Gig Economy: An Intervention
In urban gig economies around the world, platform labour is predominantly migrant labour. Yet the academic literature on the intersection of the gig economy and labour migration remains scant. Our...
Platform Capitalism’s Hidden Abode: Producing Data Assets in the Gig Economy
In this article, we argue that the governance of gig work under conditions of financialised platform capitalism is characterised by a process that we call “dual value production”: the monetary...